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Organisations depend on leaders to make important tactical decisions, respond to market trends and set strategic vision. When competent leadership prevails, people and companies prosper. Bad leadership, however, leads to disengaged workers, corporate turmoil and eventual business failure.
Hogan’s flagship product, the Leadership Forecast Series, provides an in-depth look at a leader’s performance capabilities, challenges and core drivers. Whether your organisation uses it for pre-hire selection or leadership development, your current and future leaders will gain strategic self-awareness to leverage their strengths, avoid behaviours that get in the way of success and gain insight into the culture they create for their teams based on their motivators and values.
Based on the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI, The Bright Side of Personality), the Potential report focuses on seven dimensions of personality to explain how others would describe a leader’s everyday behaviour and approach to work.
Based on the Hogan Development Survey (HDS, The Dark Side of Personality), the Challenge report is designed to identify career-derailing behaviours that can interfere with building a cohesive and high-performing team.
Drawing from Hogan’s Motives, Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI, The Inside of Personality), the Values report shines light on the type of work environment the leader will create.
The Flash report is a two-page graphic overview of the participant’s HPI, HDS, and MVPI main scale and subscale scores. Designed for use only by those with Hogan certification, the Flash report contains no interpretive information and is perfect for use during interviews and feedback sessions.
Cultivating strategic self-awareness is critical to individual leadership development. Designed to facilitate this process, the Coaching report integrates the Potential, Challenge, and Values results into a comprehensive, self-guided five-step development plan.
Summarising the results from the Potential, Challenge, and Values reports, the Summary report offers an interpretive overview of strengths, challenges, and values and motivators. The report concludes with recommendations for career development.
30 – 45 minutes
Hogan Assessments Level One Certification
Hogan Assessments Level Two Certification