Hogan Insight Series


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Hogan Insight Series

Hogan’s personality science has helped organisations find and develop C-suite talent for decades. The Insight Series is designed to apply that same scientific rigor to the middle — the on-the-ground managers responsible for liaising between top management and staff, and delivering results. Useful for contextualising selection or as a development tool, this series provides a comprehensive outline of individual strengths, performance risks and core values.

From the insights it provides, emerging and mid-level managers can develop the self-awareness necessary for effective performance. It gives a comprehensive outline of an individual’s strengths, performance risks and core values, and can be used as a developmental feedback tool or to contextualise selection.

Report Highlights

  • Show participants how others are likely to see their day-to-day behaviours and overall management performance.
  • Review the particulars behind a participant’s unique personality scale scores and simplify development decisions with visual tools.
  • Facilitate coaching conversations with development discussion points tailored to the participant’s unique personality.

This series includes the following reports:

HPI Insight

Based on the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI, The Bright Side of Personality), the HPI Insight Report provides information on how individuals interact with others, approach work tasks and solve problems.

HDS Insight

Based on the Hogan Development Survey (HDS, The Dark Side of Personality), the HDS Insight Report pinpoints behaviours that emerge during times of stress, which can results in damanaged relationships and derailed careers.

MVPI Insight

Drawing from Hogan’s Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI, The Inside of Personality), the MVPI Insight Report details an individual’s core values – the goals and interests that determine job satisfaction and drive decisions.


The Flash report is a two-page graphic overview of the participant’s HPI, HDS, and MVPI main scale and subscale scores. Designed for use only by those with Hogan certification, the Flash report contains no interpretive information and is perfect for use during interviews and feedback sessions.


Completion Time

30 – 45 minutes

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leader-talent potentials.