Retail Sales Potential Identification™ (RSPI)

Sales Potential

Retail Sales Potential Identification (RSPI)

Retail Sales Potential Identification (RSPI) Assessment is a competency-based assessment tool, offering a fast and affordable solution to help retail sales managers build an effective sales force.

RSPI can be used to guide selection of both internal and external candidates for retail sales positions, as well as coaching and development as part of the post-hiring on-boarding process. At a team level, data can be consolidated for gap analysis and development planning of existing retail sales teams.

Great customer service can differentiate you from your competitors.
Retail sales professionals with the right characteristics will achieve higher performance levels.

10 essential competencies for retail sales professionals:


Customer Focus


Interpersonal Savviness



Emotional Resilience & Adaptability

Handling Objection


Social Desirability

RSPI Reports

The RSPI Reports provide a quick snapshot of an individual’s strengths and development needs in retail sales positions, allowing for hiring decisions to be concluded quickly.

The RSPI Manager’s Report offers the following features:

  • Recommendations based on 10 essential competencies for retail sales people and an overall fit rating
  • Summary of scores and cautions in terms of personality traits, communication styles and attitudes
  • Selection considerations

The distinctive colours and scores reflect the level achieved for each competency, allowing the report user to navigate the report easily and identify developmental gaps in an instinctive manner.

The RSPI Candidate Feedback Report provides an understanding of personal characteristics and career strengths, and can be offered to sales professionals as part of their development.

RSPI Manager’s

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Candidate Feedback

194_RSPI Sample Report - Candidate_1

Find out how you can
optimise your organisation’s
leader-talent potentials.