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Into the 2nd Half of My Life Workshop

This workshop equips young professionals with life skills and knowledge to help them thrive in their 30s and beyond.

It provides participants with insights about how to make decisions in life and at work as they step into their 30s, a life-phase where they are expected to take on more responsibilities. The workshop raises awareness about possible derailers and biases that may deter an individual while providing strategies to leverage on one’s strengths and drivers to achieve more.

Get a copy of the Into the Second Half of My Life Workshop brochure

Workshop Schedule

Virtual – For All Regions (L)

Languange : English

Jan 12-14 | Apr 11-13 | Aug 01-03

Singapore (L)

Languange : English

Jan 12-14 | Apr 11-13 | Aug 01-03

Kuala Lumpur (L)

Languange : English

Jan 12-14 | Apr 11-13 | Aug 01-03

Register your interest for the Into the Second Half of My Life Workshop