Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)

Reasoning and Judgment

Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)

Think about how you are thinking. The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory describes reasoning style — the ability to evaluate sets of data, make decisions, solve problems, and avoid repeating past mistakes. By assessing reasoning style, you can understand a candidate’s approach to problem-solving and capacity for new information, and identify areas for development.

The first measure of reasoning ability designed to predict real-world performance, the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory evaluates two kinds of problem solving, qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative Reasoning

This involves working with data visualisation, logic, and verbal information to solve problems.

Quantitative Reasoning

This involves working with mathematical and spatial information to evaluate and solve problems.

Considering these two reasoning styles in tandem gives us a clear sense of how participants solve problems. The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory is the only measure of cognitive ability to take this approach.

Report Highlights

  • Explore the nuances of each candidate’s unique business reasoning style.
  • Pair candidates’ cognitive results with personality data to make more informed selection decisions.
  • Gain insight into each candidate’s personal reasoning style and leverage this style in the workplace.

Test Reasoning Styles

While some roles call for people to focus on solving the problems in front of them, others require prioritising which problems to solve in the first place. Many roles demand a mix of these two approaches. Designed for use at any job level, the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory defines individual problem-solving style so organisations can understand how candidates are likely to meet the cognitive demands of a given role.



Completion Time

30 – 60 minutes

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