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Aspire To Lead Workshop

Based on the Hogan Leadership Dimension, this workshop helps participants transition successfully from individual contributor to resource manager and become more versatile in their management skills.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Individual Contributors vs. Resource Managers – what are the different expectations as one transitions
  • The importance of having versatile managerial skills
  • Understand one’s natural leadership dimension and how this influences what one focuses on as well as how one manages self, career, and relationships
  • Understand one’s gaps in leadership dimensions and the impact on current and future work effectiveness
  • How to improve managerial versatility through insights from the assessments

Get a copy of the Aspire To Lead Workshop brochure.

Workshop Schedule

Virtual – For All Regions (L)

Languange : English

Jan 12-14 | Apr 11-13 | Aug 01-03

Singapore (L)

Languange : English

Jan 12-14 | Apr 11-13 | Aug 01-03

Kuala Lumpur (L)

Languange : English

Jan 12-14 | Apr 11-13 | Aug 01-03

Register your interest for the Aspire To Lead Workshop.