
Explore world-class psychometric assessments and
evaluation tools to gain insights into your current
and to-be talent.

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Optimal’s range of psychometric assessments include talent acquisition tools to assess personality, cognitive ability
and sales potential as well as multi-rater tools supported by well-research competency models.


Explore our range of world-leading personality assessment tools, validated and supported by decades of independent research and teams of professional psychologists.

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Cognitive Ability

Assess reasoning style to understand general mental abilities, business reasoning, decision-making styles and more.

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Sales Potential

Identify sales potential and sales leaders in your organisation through validated psychometrics administered to millions of candidates worldwide.

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Multi-Rater Tools

Use our multi-perspective online survey tools aimed at helping organisations assess talents against researched and validated sets of competencies or customised to your organisation’s own set of success competencies.

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Tasks (Game-based)

Discover an alternative to questionnaires which measure personality directly and objectively using online tasks.

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Learn more about Optimal’s range
of leading global assessment tools.

Translate strategy into success with our business solutions


Bridge performance gaps though certification of world-class psychometrics and signature learning workshops and programs.

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Accelerate the vision of your organisational and people transformation across recruitment, engagement, development, diversity and succession planning.

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Find out how you can optimise your
organisation’s talent-leader potentials.