Hogan Candidate Summary Report


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Hogan Candidate Summary Report

The Candidate Summary Report provides an overview of a candidate’s strengths, challenges and values.

The report integrates results across the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI, The Bright Side of Personality), Hogan Development Survey (HDS, The Dark Side of Personality) and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI, The Inside of Personality) to provide a snapshot of interpersonal performance and values in relation to future career aspirations, while serving as a primer for thinking about performance improvement.

Report Highlights

  • Reveal performance strengths in terms of personal impact, interpersonal skills, as well as working and learning style.
  • Uncover values and drivers in terms of achievement motivation, social interests, entrepreneurial values and decision-making style.
  • Identify performance challenges in terms of reactions to others, personal performance expectations and reactions to authority.

The Candidate Summary Report is an easy-to-read intepreted report, even for non Hogan-certified users.


Completion Time

30-45 minutes

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