The New Normal Leader

What does a new normal leader look like? As the saying goes, leadership is most tested in a crisis. For most leaders, the COVID-19 pandemic is a trial by fire, stretching them to their limits. Unprecedented times call for an unprecedented approach to leadership. How can leaders bounce back from ravages of the pandemic and move forward in a crisis that currently has no end in sight, while ensuring that people whom they lead remain equally resilient? We think that leaders have to approach their situations with a radically different mindset, one that involves thinking in terms of a new normal and embracing it. Leading in the new normal will thus require setting new norms, which calls for quite a different set of leadership competencies....

Flattening and Shortening the Curve: Personality Matters

In the past few weeks, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has escalated exponentially, with cases now reported in more than 150 countries. Rightly so, governments around the world have been implementing response strategies to tackle the pandemic. With measures ranging from partial or full lockdowns that are currently affecting one-third of humanity to aggressive virus testing and contact tracing in countries such as South Korea and Singapore, we can see that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. ...