Sales Potential Identification (SPI)

Sales Potential

Sales Potential Identification (SPI)

Sales Potential Inventory (SPI) has been used for the profiling and tracking of over 80,000 sales professionals’ career pathways across different industries in Asia.

SPI helps organisations select sales potential and maximise performance by identifying sales talents and placing them in the right sales roles. SPI provides valuable information about the individual’s ‘can do’ and ‘will do’ characterisics in a sales career, enabling sales managers to make quick yet accurate decisions for varied objectives such as external talent acquistion, internal sales force categorisation, restructuring of exisiting sales force and strategic sales force planning.

Sales professionals with the right ‘sales DNA’ (can do) and positive attitudes (will do) will achieve better performance, especially when they are engaged and satisfied at work.

Sales potential is assessed on 7 sales roles:

Outside Sales – Field Sales

1.Customer Acquisition

2.Key Account Sales

3.Technical Sales

4.Account Management

Inside Sales – Farming Sales

5.Inbound Sales

6.Channel Sales

Indirect Sales

7.Outbound Sales

SPI and SPI+ Reports

The reports provide Sales Potential Ratings of 1 to 5 for the seven most common sales roles, and you may rely on the Traffic Light Score Indicators to simplify your decision making.


SPI Reports

The SPI Reports provide a quick measure of an individual’s sales potential, enabling sales managers to make better selection and/or development decisions.

The SPI Manager’s Report offers the following features:

  • Recommendations for seven common sales roles using traffic lights
  • Summary of scores and cautions in terms of personality traits, communication styles and attitudes
  • Selection considerations


The Candidate Feedback Report provides sales professionals with an overview of personal characteristics and career strengths.

SPI Manager’s

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Candidate Feedback

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SPI+ Reports

The SPI+ Reports offer additional resources.

Other than the features found in the SPI Manager’s Report, the SPI+ Manager’s Report comes with interview questions. Coaching Guide for Managers is included in SPI+, providing suitable coaching strategies that can help sales managers support the individual’s success in a challenging sales career.

In addition to the Candidate’s Feedback Report, the Self-Coaching Guide for Individuals is a supplement that aids sales professionals in leveraging their strengths by understanding them and developing success habits.

SPI+ Manager’s

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Candidate Feedback

317_Candidate Report_SPI Eng_1

Coaching Guides
for Manager

Coaching Guide For Manager_SPI plus_1

Coaching Guide
for Individuals

Coaching Guide for Individuals_SPI plus_1

Find out how you can
optimise your organisation’s
leader-talent potentials.